Welcome to the site of FRC Team 3189, The Circuit Breakers. We are a small team consisting of students from six different high schools around the El Dorado Union High School District.
Team Mission
“In this club, we will not only construct a functional robot, but more importantly, craft unbreakable friendships and communication skills. Communication, friendship, and respect are the three essential elements to a successful team. In order to advance our mechanical and social skills, we will work politely and therefore maintain a positive and understanding attitude. By encouraging a free-thinking and creative environment, we will essentially learn more about the mechanics of robotics and create a functional robot to compete in the FIRST competition. Since this team meshes together various high schools within the El Dorado Union High School District, we are able to defeat the stereotypes associated with different schools and freely express ourselves among our fellow teammates. Just like a custom writing service with a team of professionals crafting academic papers, our team relies on friendship, cooperation, and respect—the nuts and bolts that fasten together our robotics team.”
Thank You To Our 2018 Sponsors!
GOLD ($1,000 - $4,999)
Patricia Ferrell |
Kinetic Machining Services |
Brin-Wojcicki Foundation |
Rutten Family Trust |
Harry and Catherine Diamond |
The Blum Family |
Hiram Lodge #25 F&AM |
SILVER ($500 - $999)
Aerojet Rocketdyne |
Placerville Kiwanis |
Foothill Taekwondo |
William Mansfield |
Sierra Central Credit Union |
BRONZE (Up to $499)
Mattias Bergman |
Escape Technology |
David Schneider |
Jim and Marie Moore |
Matt Diggs |
Ernest Hartley |
Lori Warden |
Placerville #26 F&AM |