Parents and Circuit Breakers,
Remember the meeting we had with Mrs. Lindborg re: how we have no funding coming in this year AT ALL (other than e-waste)?
All true. We need to get the word out for this fundraiser coming up shortly, on the 11th.
It’s crunch time for EACH and every one of us!
Disappointing that not as many students have spent the time advertising…
We thank the ones that have done so already.
PLEASE, other students and families, pitch in if you have not done so already.
GUYS, this sure beats digging in your own wallet to feed your family a spaghetti dinner fundraiser, after slaving behind a kettle of sauce.
This requires no out of pocket expense, but does require massive advertising. Word of mouth is BIG. Emails, FB, etc
We all know FIRST Robotics success requires some money to get this off without a hitch, even if it’s not needed this year…next year, we may very well start out with no money.
No grant money coming in.
So you can see the importance of this e-waste drive? I sure do, but it doesn’t seem so for many of the Circuit Breakers.
Unfortunately, during the high school years, anything extra outside of classroom activities requires fundraising.
It is the reality and expectation that students in ANY High School activity (outside of regular classrooms) will raise their own funds to pay for it.
Sports, band, cheer, etc are busy out there in our community fundraising all the time, this just happens to be OUR time, we need to grab our share while we can.
I’m sorry this is in middle of build season.
I know I’m asking a lot but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE anywhere you go, just hold up a flyer and talk it up-ask for their help to spread the word.
Even have the flyer folded in your back pocket so you can take it out anywhere you go….
People are nice and they want to help when they can.
I can’t do this alone!
I need more parents to step up and help the students get those ads out and collect e-waste big time.
I need your willingness to collect some in the back of your car from your friends, coworkers, church friends, and neighbors and bring it by on Saturday.
I need students to do the work of distributing flyers to where people will see them in our community.
(You know your assigned areas-if that helps. But anybody that you give it to is just fine, as long as you keep working on it and it’s multiple people you reach)
AND I need a few more parents to commit to helping some portion of the actual e-waste drive, let me know if you plan to be there (if you haven’t told me already).
If you have a pop up canopy, that would be nice…don’t know the weather yet.
PLEASE come, I don’t want to kill off my husband’s back, especially since he thinks he’s still 28 yrs old.
Circuit Breakers- I’ve decided to add in 2nd and 3rd place level winners for the most students to distribute flyers-remember, your parents emails count-keep filling in the chart.
Don’t forget to keep an eye out for our feature articles in Mountain Democrat.
THANKS for reading my ranting and raving-but I’m doing this for YOU because I believe in YOUR cool abilities and I can’t wait to see competition for the first time!
Cathy Clarke-Amos